You are invited to be a Friend of the Missionaries of the Holy Family! +JMJ+
In the last half century, the Catholic Family has undergone major changes and upheavals. Who knows better the difficulties and the challenges faced by families today than parents themselves? The Missionaries of the Holy Family seek to work with people who are committed to the pastoral care of families, especially through the promotion of a consistent prayer life. Inviting the laity to collaborate in the work of a religious institute has existed for many centuries in the form of Third Orders.
In establishing the Prayer Association of the Missionaries of the Holy Family, the Congregation is following in this great tradition. Those wishing to become members complete an application and mail it to our Provincial Superior. The Provincial then accepts the person as a "Friend" for a provisional period of two years. After two years, permanent membership can be requested. Permanent Members then receive a framed certificate of acknowledgment and thanksgiving from the Provincial.
Join Deacon George Miller in praying the:

Benefits for the Friends of the Missionaries of the Holy Family:
- Sharing in the work and spiritual benefits of the Missionaries of the Holy Family
- Enrollment in the Perpetual Mass Association
- Holy Family Prayer Book
- Blessed Holy Family Medal
- A deeper Spiritual Life
General Regulations for the Friends of the Missionaries of the Holy Family:
+ Print and complete the Application Form and mail it to us. There is no fee!
+ As a practicing Catholic, recite these three daily prayers --
+ Recite the Consecration to the Holy Family to be prayed every month on the First Friday.
+ Support the Missionaries of the Holy Family through works or additional prayers.
Examples of additional prayers can be found in the Holy Family Prayer Book (pocket size version).
At the end of two years, a member can submit a letter requesting permanent membership. Members, however, do not have to become permanent members; they may continue as provisional members or they may end their commitment to the association.
Thank You and God Bless Your Family! +JMJ+
Mass Cards: Request Perpetual Mass Enrollments or Mass Intentions or Gregorian Masses for Loved Ones.