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[Also: Learn about the Saint Joseph Purgatorial Society.]

Throughout our lives, the guidance and teachings of the Catholic Church are of great assistance in making decisions in our personal and family life. Saint Paul told the Philippians to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12), and the teachings of the Catholic Church are an aid in our journey.

While some believe the Church is here to make our lives miserable with difficult rules, in reality, the Church pastorally cares for us by speaking the Truth so that we can follow God’s will with the choices we make in living our life. The way of Christ “is easy and the burden light” (Matthew 11:30). What can be difficult is for us to change our ways to His.

Going to your pastor and asking questions should be a natural choice. Offered in the links to the right are a collection of FAQ (frequently asked questions) and pastoral responses from the Missionaries of the Holy Family as it pertains to Church teaching and tradition. Other reference materials and links may be provided as additional resources. Please read the disclaimer text at the bottom of this page.

Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction

Pontifical John Paul II Institute on Marriage & Family

Mass Cards: Request Perpetual Mass Enrollments or Mass Intentions for Your Loved Ones.


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